In this day and age of Heightened Awareness, Mr. Neuman should avoid Gender Labels

While we may not be receiving much information from our new Right-to-Know coordinator, Attorney Neumann, we certainly are understanding his character and seeing his true colors. Mr. Neumann has built a Right-to-Know wall between himself and the citizens. He denies many requests as unclear, overbroad, and unreasonable described. For some people he will provide an explanation for the denial, but for other citizens he will not. The different treatment is unclear.

When addressing citizen information requests, the law does not require civility or cooperation or any city effort whatsoever to reduce the burden. Mr. Neumann has certainly been difficult to work with. Regrettably, he has also chosen to delve into gender labels.

In Mr. Neumann’s email to GraniteGrok requesting his linked-in photo be removed, he decided to describe my writing about his Right-to-Know responses as 'overtly emotional opinions'.

My opinions are simply my opinions and they are based on a history of events in dealing with Mr. Neumann. Mr. Neumann's  'hyperbole and embellishment'* just to smack a gender label on a woman, is not only unbecoming to the City, but in violation of the City Harassment Policy.

(*a description used by Attorney Bolton to describe my communication at a recent Board of Tax and Land Appeals hearing)

According to the policy, “Harassment is determined from the perspective of the recipient as determined by an objective standard of how a reasonable person would interpret the incident.” It is interesting to me that a number of men who read Mr. Neumann’s email in GraniteGrok found his remarks offensive as did I. The City policy identifies that harassment against non-employees is a violation.

Mr. Neumann takes every opportunity to call out his high ethical standards and integrity formed during his years of military service. He describes himself as a constitutional crusader, but perhaps Attorney Neumann should study the City Harassment Policy provided to him upon his employment in December 2020. It is time to “round out” Attorney Neumann’s character and provide sensitive training on gender bias and harassment. 

Laurie OrtolanoComment