A New Writing Style

Those who have followed my Nashua story, I believe, have found me to be measured in my approach to dealing with the City. My 2 ½ year dispute with the City over assessing office practices and the valuation of my personal property has far exceeded anything I could have imagined would have occurred. I was naïve.

For two years, I held out hope that the City would come around, fix the property issues and relax on some of the Right-to-Know challenges in the lawsuit. Instead, they reared up, just as I was getting ready for my Concord property appeal court hearing and arrested me in February on charges of trespassing in City Hall for performing the business to date/time stamp abatement applications for senior citizens. This arrest was ordered by Attorney Leonard and Attorney Bolton.

I should have taken stronger action to push back on the City through all the personal reputation attacks they have delivered for over two years. 

  •  Kleiner fired the 20 year veteran in assessing for helping me with Right-to-Know requests.

  • Leonard raised the market value on my house by $150,000 in retaliation for uncovering wrongdoing in the assessing office.

  • The police, acting on City orders, threaten me with an unjustified arrest if I had contact with any assessor outside of City Hall. 

  • Donchess and Kleiner plastered me on the front page of the newspapers accusing me of retaliation against the city for requesting information.  

  • Donchess and Kleiner backed an unethical commercial assessor who lied about visiting properties and mishandled many property assessments, placing future assessments in question. 

  • Donchess and Kleiner accosted me in public meetings for wasting taxpayers’ dollars and abusing staff time.

  • ·Bolton and Leonard had me arrested on trespassing charges in City Hall for doing city business.

All of these actions rocked me to my core.  Nashua has unethical, corrupt and just plain evil people serving in our government. 

I have consciously decided to be more direct, harsh, and angry about the City’s actions and what has happened to me. I just cannot maintain this polite personality in light of the constant personal attacks. My Attorney would prefer I take the heat, but strongly disagree with him and will fight back now.

Attorney Leonard and Mr. Neuman’s account of the arrest events in the police report and their demand for 1 year of jail time, jolted me. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

So, when you read my writing, you may not like my tone, language or content. I mean not to offend anyone. This isn’t the realm I usually work in. So, tune me out and walk away. Team Laurie is me, myself and I am going to defend me. Thank you for your support. 

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