Sonia Prince and the Dirty Tricks Committee

Ms. Prince’s dander is raised. It’s tough to look in the mirror and acknowledge the addictive and destructive behavior characteristic of this Nashua political operative who funnels misinformation from City leaders to create Facebook tabloid style posts.

Prince has told us on Facebook that she posts 20-30 times a day and has little memory of what she is actually posting. Apparently, she is so saturated with City Hall information leaks and “me first” posting, it’s all a blur to her. She often accuses others of failing to ‘fact check.’

Prince has also told us that with her busy days of working, volunteering and posting, she simply has little recollection of where her information comes from. Hence the title “information whore”. Prince practices the leadership style of her puppet master, Mayor Donchess – throwing the crap in the fan and spreading the smear on everyone.

The urban dictionary describes an information whore as someone who has to find out information as soon as possible and someone who has to know everything about everything. She claims to have a sweet personality and terrific tone which affords her quick access to City Hall information, both public and private. This represents good government and information equity to Ms. Prince.

Prince simply wasn’t astute enough to recognize that Attorney Bolton’s attorney client privileged press release just didn’t really jive -or- that grabbing information about student independent education plans, clearly sensitive information, has no place in a public forum. As a former school teacher, how low can you go? Prince has no filter, moral compass or common sense.

And when her fanny hits the hot water, she beckons Mayor Donchess to write a character reference to assure us all that she means no harm. Any decent politician would use the “10 foot pole” rule in dealing with Prince. 

Mayor Donchess, Ms. Prince and other elected and unelected City leaders are all part of the Dirty Tricks Committee. Anyone who challenges the system will be the target of their tactics.

You know you’re doing good work when these unethical leaders have a target on you!


Laurie Ortolano2 Comments