Mayor Donchess' Sanctioned Abuses of the Nashua Legal Office

Mayor Donchess is chartered to select Corporation Council for the City to serve at his pleasure but this should not prevent Aldermen from weighing in on the ethics and fiscal abuses occurring in the legal office.

Aldermen have been all too silent on suspect collaboration between the Mayor and the legal office. The battles the Mayor and Corporation City Council Bolton have chosen to take on against citizens and elected officials are wasteful, irresponsible, unethical, and financially unaccountable.

The Nashua legal office should not have blatant, unrestrained spending ability in order to escalate legal matters into costly litigation. This is what has happened. The Board genuflects to Bolton and tippy toes around his caustic inflammatory personality hoping not to be the next victim of his verbal abuse.

Bolton and Donchess are thin-skinned, short tempered, and personalize issues setting up vendettas and creating a toxic work environment for all city employees. Their bruised egos open the door to litigation at any cost. Who cares, the taxpayer’s foot the bill!

Bolton, as an officer of the court, is all too comfortable misrepresenting information to the Board, the public, and police agencies. A Corporation Council should not have the ability to pick and choose what Aldermen or Commissioners he is willing to serve. Aldermen Lu and Commissioner Pappas should be able to freely seek legal counsel in order to perform their duties when representing their Ward and City. An entire Ward is ignored because of the strikingly juvenile antics of a 70 year old Corporation Council who acts like a thwarted child.

The Board sits silently in meetings when the Mayor and Bolton attack seated Alderwoman, Elizabeth Lu. No decorum rules apply for those members. Ms. Kelly, the only At-large Aldermen running again, sits quietly as meetings are hijacked by these leaders’ temperaments. Our Board of Aldermen, which serves as our legislative branch, is failing us at every turn. Rather than serving the citizens, they have become the Mayor’s posse.

Women who vocalize disagreement and question the Mayor or Bolton, even those elected officials who deserve the respect of the chamber, are attacked, demeaned and verbally abused. Why would we trust this Mayor to nominate women to the Police Commission when he shows no respect for the opinions of women who were elected to serve their citizens? This simply smacks of hypocrisy. 

This City is run and directed by 5 attorneys, including a Mayor who is also an attorney, which sheds some light on why it has become so screwed-up. While officers of the Court, at the same time, they are masters of deception and misrepresentation. They all seem too comfortable making it up as they go. 

In 2016, City Hall had 2 Corporation attorneys who focused on municipal law and performed the citizens business. Now in 2021, this top heavy legal office seems to have forgotten their duties to the citizens and are focused on those of the Mayor. Bolton is the Mayor’s “Roy Cohn.” Let’s bring back fiscal control to the City. Let’s start with reigning in this Legal Office. This will prevent citizens and elected officials from being financially harmed, litigated, arrested, and verbally attacked, all financed by their tax dollars.

Laurie OrtolanoComment