Nashua Aldermanic President Lori Wilshire – Where is the leadership?

President Wilshire is a seasoned aldermanic leader, but where is the leadership? Under her leadership, the Board has lost sight of the rules and order of the Board. The last 4 weeks in the chamber saw approval of heavy spending along with a few controversial issues. Crowds attended board meetings to speak about the City’s bonding of a property adjacent to Greeley Park and the Mayor’s wish for a three year extension in the use of the downtown barriers.

The public engaged in some cheering and clapping as speakers stated their positions. Board leadership, President Wilshire, rejected the accolades and asked the crowd to cease. But when a presentation was given to the Board regarding the progress of the Nashua Performing Arts Center, the Board clapped in appreciation of the work done on the project. So, is clapping really a public problem? Perhaps a more British style parliament is what President Wilshire is striving for.

What about the jeers repeatedly blurted out by Attorney Bolton without permission granted? Sheepish Wilshire watches Bolton hijack the meetings continually, to taunt citizens and unfavorable Board members. Corporation Counsel has lost his sensibilities and should no longer lead the City Legal Department. Mayor Donchess’ blind eye to Bolton’s conduct is almost elder abuse.

Outgoing Alderwoman Lu has taken the brunt of the chamber attacks from Bolton and Donchess. At the last public meeting it was the Mayor interrupting and interjecting without regard to rules. President Wilshire, again, promoted discord and disorder by ignoring proper decorum. For two years, Ward 6 has lost all fair representation at the table because of the petty antics of Bolton and the Mayor. It’s all personal.

The Board will have the opportunity to select a new Board president in a few weeks. Let’s hope new leadership will honor the decorum and rules required of elected officials and deserved by the public.

Laurie OrtolanoComment